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See the complete documentation, or the API help for more information.

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                "timestamp": "2025-03-10T05:25:31Z",
                "comment": "Created page with \" {{Infobox chapter | title =The Vanishing Surface | image =File:Chapter28ENCover.png | alt =Kohei and Tsukasa sitting by the rink, with two hands making a framing gesture in the shot | volume =[[Volume 7]]  | chapter-number =28 | pages =38 | release-date = 2022/10/25 | title-jp = \u6d88\u3048\u308b\u9280\u76e4  | title-romaji = Kieru Ginban | previous = [[Chapter 27]]  | next =[[Chapter 29]]  | locations =<nowiki></nowiki> *Niigata *Nagoya  }} Chapter 28, titled '''The Vanishing Surfac...\""
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                "title": "MediaWiki:Gadget-ReferenceTooltips",
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                "user": "Zhiktang",
                "timestamp": "2025-03-09T20:01:44Z",
                "comment": "Created page with \"<sup><abbr title=\"{{int:gadgets-default}}\">(D)</abbr></sup> [[mw:Reference Tooltips|Reference Tooltips]]: hover over inline citations to see reference information without moving away from the article text (does not work if \"Navigation popups\" is enabled above)\""
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                "title": "MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition",
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                "user": "Zhiktang",
                "timestamp": "2025-03-09T20:00:05Z",
                "comment": "Created page with \"// See [[mw:Reference Tooltips]] // Source  /*eslint space-in-parens: [\"error\", \"always\"], array-bracket-spacing: [\"error\", \"always\"]*/  ( function () {  // If you're loading the script from another wiki and want to set your settings, do that in `window` // properties with `rt_` prefix, e.g. //   window.rt_REF_LINK_SELECTOR = '...'; // They will be used instead of enwiki detaults. var REF_LINK_SELECTOR =...\""
                "logid": 393,
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                "title": "Manual of Style/Character pages/Story",
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                "user": "FabricOfStars",
                "timestamp": "2025-03-01T02:00:06Z",
                "comment": "Created page with \"{{Navigator character}} This subpage should contain a detailed history of the character, as told in the manga and other supplementary materials. It should be broken up into distinct periods of a character's life.\""
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                "title": "Manual of Style/Character pages",
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                "user": "FabricOfStars",
                "timestamp": "2025-03-01T01:58:28Z",
                "comment": "created character page manual"
                "logid": 391,
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                "title": "Inori Yuitsuka/Story",
                "pageid": 231,
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                "user": "FabricOfStars",
                "timestamp": "2025-03-01T01:17:49Z",
                "comment": "created inori's story page"