Suzu Kamoto (鹿本 すず Kamoto Suzu) is a supporting character in Medalist. She's a top skater, and one of Hikaru's rivals. She has consistently lost the gold medal to her numerous times.

Suzu Kamoto

Image unavailable.

Image unavailable.

Japanese 鹿本 すず
Romaji Kamoto Suzu
Gender Female
Birthday March 3
  • 11 (Volume 8)
  • 12 (Current)
Height 144 cm
Blood type B
Occupation Skater
Skating info
Discipline Woman's Singles
Club(s) Rengecha FSC
Class Novice A
Badge level 7
Coach(es) Chokaku Kamegaya
  • Unnamed Father
  • Unnamed Mother
  • Kotone Kamoto (oldest sister)
  • Ran Kamoto (older sister)
  • Rin Kamoto (older sister)
Meta info
Debut (manga) Chapter 7

"If im not first, then I won't be in the middle when they take all the pictures! [...] being second isn't cute at all!"
― Suzu to Chokaku, Chapter 30.

Appears In