System messages
This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace.
Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
Name | Default message text |
Current message text | |
accountcreatedtext (talk) (Translate) | The user account for [[{{ns:User}}:$1|$1]] ([[{{ns:User talk}}:$1|talk]]) has been created. |
acct_creation_throttle_hit (talk) (Translate) | Visitors to this wiki using your IP address have created {{PLURAL:$1|1 account|$1 accounts}} in the last $2, which is the maximum allowed in this time period. As a result, visitors using this IP address cannot create any more accounts at the moment. |
action-apihighlimits (talk) (Translate) | use higher limits in API queries |
action-applychangetags (talk) (Translate) | apply tags along with your changes |
action-autoconfirmed (talk) (Translate) | not be affected by IP-based rate limits |
action-autocreateaccount (talk) (Translate) | automatically create this external user account |
action-autopatrol (talk) (Translate) | have your edit marked as patrolled |
action-bigdelete (talk) (Translate) | delete pages with large histories |
action-block (talk) (Translate) | block or unblock this user from editing |
action-blockemail (talk) (Translate) | block or unblock a user from sending email |
action-bot (talk) (Translate) | be treated as an automated process |
action-browsearchive (talk) (Translate) | search deleted pages |
action-changetags (talk) (Translate) | add and remove arbitrary tags on individual revisions and log entries |
action-createaccount (talk) (Translate) | create this user account |
action-createpage (talk) (Translate) | create this page |
action-createtalk (talk) (Translate) | create this discussion page |
action-delete (talk) (Translate) | delete this page |
action-delete-redirect (talk) (Translate) | overwrite single revision redirects |
action-deletechangetags (talk) (Translate) | delete tags from the database |
action-deletedhistory (talk) (Translate) | view metadata of deleted history entries |
action-deletedtext (talk) (Translate) | view deleted text or changes between deleted revisions |
action-deletelogentry (talk) (Translate) | delete or undelete specific log entries |
action-deleterevision (talk) (Translate) | delete or undelete specific revisions of pages |
action-dpl_param_delete_rules (talk) (Translate) | to use the parameter 'deleterules' |
action-dpl_param_update_rules (talk) (Translate) | to use the parameter 'updaterules' |
action-edit (talk) (Translate) | edit this page |
action-editcontentmodel (talk) (Translate) | edit the content model of a page |
action-editinterface (talk) (Translate) | edit the user interface |
action-editmyoptions (talk) (Translate) | edit your preferences |
action-editmyprivateinfo (talk) (Translate) | edit your private information |
action-editmyusercss (talk) (Translate) | edit your own user CSS files |
action-editmyuserjs (talk) (Translate) | edit your own user JavaScript files |
action-editmyuserjson (talk) (Translate) | edit your own user JSON files |
action-editmyuserjsredirect (talk) (Translate) | edit your own user JavaScript files that are redirects |
action-editmywatchlist (talk) (Translate) | edit your watchlist |
action-editprotected (talk) (Translate) | edit pages protected as "{{int:protect-level-sysop}}" |
action-editsemiprotected (talk) (Translate) | edit pages protected as "{{int:protect-level-autoconfirmed}}" |
action-editsitecss (talk) (Translate) | edit sitewide CSS |
action-editsitejs (talk) (Translate) | edit sitewide JavaScript |
action-editsitejson (talk) (Translate) | edit sitewide JSON |
action-editusercss (talk) (Translate) | edit other users' CSS files |
action-edituserjs (talk) (Translate) | edit other users' JavaScript files |
action-edituserjson (talk) (Translate) | edit other users' JSON files |
action-gadgets-definition-edit (talk) (Translate) | edit this gadget definition |
action-gadgets-edit (talk) (Translate) | edit this gadget JavaScript or CSS page |
action-hideuser (talk) (Translate) | block or unblock a username, hiding or unhiding it from the public |
action-history (talk) (Translate) | view the history of this page |
action-import (talk) (Translate) | import pages from another wiki |
action-importupload (talk) (Translate) | import pages from a file upload |
action-ipblock-exempt (talk) (Translate) | bypass IP blocks, auto-blocks and range blocks |