Content 1 is this... I don't really know what to say, really.
Again, not sure what to say.
This is a basic template for nested tabs for use in this wiki. It allows for up to five main tabs, and eight subtabs per each of those main tab. This is primarily used by infoboxes.
The following code produces the following Subtabs template.
{{Subtabs |tab1-label = Testing tab 1 |tab1-content1-label= Content 1-1 |tab1-content1= Content 1 is this... I don't really know what to say, really. |tab1-content2-label= Content 1-2 |tab1-content2= Hello! |tab1-content3-label= Content 1-3 |tab1-content3= Again, not sure what to say. |tab2-label = Testing tab 2 |tab2-content1-label= Content 2-1 |tab2-content1= Hello there |tab2-content2-label= Content 2-2 |tab2-content2= General Kenobi |tab2-content3-label= Content 2-3 |tab2-content3= Can someone else put some placeholder text here? jeez }}
Content 1 is this... I don't really know what to say, really.
Again, not sure what to say.
Hello there
General Kenobi
Can someone else put some placeholder text here? jeez