Manual of Style/Character pages
Name of Character
Japanese | Name in Japanese |
Romaji | Name in romaji |
Nickname(s) |
Profile | |
Gender | Gender (e.g. Female) |
Birthday | Name in "MMMM dd" format e.g. April 16 |
Age | Age (e.g. 13) |
Height | Height in centimeters (e.g. 144 cm) |
Blood type | Blood type |
Occupation | Occupation |
Skating info | |
Discipline | Discipline of skating (e.g. Women's Singles, Men's Singles, Pairs, Ice Dance, Short Track, Long Track) |
Club(s) | Skating clubs (should be listed if they have moved clubs) |
Class | Skating class (for singles and pairs skaters only) |
Badge level | Skating badge level (e.g. Lv.1) |
Favorite jump | Favorite jump (for singles and pairs skaters only) |
Coach(es) | Coaches (should be listed if they have multiple) |
Student(s) | Students (should be listed if they have multiple) |
Background | |
Family |
Hometown | Hometown in "Town/City, Prefecture" format e.g. Nagoya, Aichi |
Home country | Only use for foreign characters |
Meta info | |
Debut (manga) | Link to chapter page |
Debut (anime) | Link to episode page |
Voice actors |
"This should contain a line from the character. Be sure to use the quote template."
―This should contain the source of the line, including the context.
The text right after the quote is the general information section. It should cover a general idea of who the character is without going too deep into their history. For the detailed story of the characters as told in the manga and supplementary material, navigate to the Story subpage with the links at the top of the page.
A short paragraph regarding the character's personality.
Trivia about the character.
A list of chapters and episodes which this character appears in.