New pages
- 21:32, 10 February 2025 Yudai Jakuzure (hist | edit) [1,256 bytes] Hikainofan (talk | contribs) (Creater Jackie's page)
- 20:57, 10 February 2025 Chapter 11 (hist | edit) [348 bytes] Mikhi (talk | contribs) (Add chapter 11)
- 20:56, 10 February 2025 Chapter 10 (hist | edit) [378 bytes] Mikhi (talk | contribs) (Add chapter 10)
- 03:18, 10 February 2025 Suzu Kamoto (hist | edit) [1,427 bytes] Hikainofan (talk | contribs) (Created Suzu's page) Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 00:47, 10 February 2025 List of background characters (hist | edit) [1,484 bytes] FabricOfStars (talk | contribs) (created page)
- 00:37, 10 February 2025 Seira Shishido (hist | edit) [1,989 bytes] FabricOfStars (talk | contribs) (it's seira!)
- 14:53, 9 February 2025 Chapter 3.1 (hist | edit) [1,262 bytes] Mikhi (talk | contribs) (Create 3.1) Tag: Visual edit
- 02:55, 9 February 2025 Kohei Kamogawa (hist | edit) [1,491 bytes] Hikainofan (talk | contribs) (Created Kohei's page) Tag: Visual edit
- 01:42, 9 February 2025 Sota Inukai (hist | edit) [1,408 bytes] Zhiktang (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox character | title = Inukai Souta | image = | alt =Boy with puffy hair cheering | name-jp-full = 犬飼 総太 | name-jp-trans = Inukai Souta | nicknames = | gender = Male | birthday = | age = | height = | bloodtype = | occupation = Skater | skating-discipline = Men's Singles | clubs = Lux Higashimaya FSC | skating-class = | skating-level = | skating-fav-jump = | skating-coaches = | skating-students = | family = | home-town = | home-country = |...") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 01:36, 9 February 2025 Hironobu Yuitsuka (hist | edit) [963 bytes] Zhiktang (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox character | title = Hironobu Yuitsuka | image = | alt = | name-jp-full = 結束 博信 | name-jp-trans = Yuitsuka Hironobu | nicknames = | gender = Male | birthday = | age = | height = | bloodtype = | occupation = | skating-discipline = | clubs = | skating-class = | skating-level = | skating-fav-jump = | skating-coaches = | skating-students = | family = <nowiki></nowiki> *Nozomi Yuitsuka (''wife'') *Inori Yuitsuka (''daughter'') *Mika Yui...")
- 21:50, 8 February 2025 Iruka Okazaki (hist | edit) [1,568 bytes] Hikainofan (talk | contribs) (Created Iruka's page)
- 19:57, 8 February 2025 Chapter 21 (hist | edit) [4,628 bytes] Mikhi (talk | contribs) (Create 21 (not done yet))
- 16:35, 8 February 2025 Yuna Yagi (hist | edit) [1,351 bytes] FabricOfStars (talk | contribs) (it's yuna!)
- 13:31, 8 February 2025 Chapter 20 (hist | edit) [4,533 bytes] Mikhi (talk | contribs) (Create Chapter 20 (not done yet))
- 07:36, 8 February 2025 Reilly Foxx (hist | edit) [1,827 bytes] Zhiktang (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox character | title = | image = | alt = | name-jp-full = | name-jp-trans = | nicknames = | gender = | birthday = | age = | height = | bloodtype = | occupation = | skating-discipline = | clubs = | skating-class = | skating-level = | skating-fav-jump = | skating-coaches = | skating-students = | family = | home-town = | home-country = | debut-manga = | debut-anime = | voice-actors = | }}") Tag: Visual edit: Switched originally created as "Riley Fox"
- 07:21, 8 February 2025 Chapter 28 (hist | edit) [3,125 bytes] Zhiktang (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox chapter | title =The Vanishing Surface | image = | volume =Volume 7 | chapter-number =28 | pages =38 | release-date = 25/06/2020 | title-jp = 氷の天才 | title-romaji = Koori no Tensei | previous = Chapter 27 | next =Chapter 29 | locations = }} = Synopsis = = Notable Quotes = = Characters = * Inori Yuitsuka * Tsukasa Akeuraji")
- 02:24, 8 February 2025 Kohaku Shirone (hist | edit) [1,070 bytes] Hikainofan (talk | contribs) (Made shirone's page)
- 00:32, 8 February 2025 Manual of Style (hist | edit) [6,475 bytes] FabricOfStars (talk | contribs) (created style manual page. fill in later) Tags: Visual edit Mobile edit Mobile web edit
- 00:26, 8 February 2025 Nozomi Yuitsuka (hist | edit) [1,114 bytes] Zhiktang (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox character | title = Nozomi Yuitsuka | image = | name-jp-full = | name-jp-trans = | gender = | birthday = | age = | height = | bloodtype = | occupation = | skating-discipline = | clubs = | skating-class = | skating-level = | skating-fav-jump = | skating-coaches = | skating-students = | family = | home-town = | home-country = | debut-manga = | debut-anime = | voice-actors = | }} = Appears In = * Chapter 1")
- 00:26, 8 February 2025 Mamoru Sekoma (hist | edit) [1,193 bytes] Zhiktang (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox character | title = Mamoru Sekoma | image = | name-jp-full = | name-jp-trans = | gender = | birthday = | age = | height = | bloodtype = | occupation = | skating-discipline = | clubs = | skating-class = | skating-level = | skating-fav-jump = | skating-coaches = | skating-students = | family = | home-town = | home-country = | debut-manga = | debut-anime = | voice-actors = | }}") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 00:24, 8 February 2025 Hitomi Takamine (hist | edit) [1,544 bytes] Zhiktang (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox character | title = Hitomi Takamine | image = | name-jp-full = | name-jp-trans = | gender = | birthday = | age = | height = | bloodtype = | occupation = | skating-discipline = | clubs = | skating-class = | skating-level = | skating-fav-jump = | skating-coaches = | skating-students = | family = | home-town = | home-country = | debut-manga = | debut-anime = | voice-actors = | }}") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 00:06, 8 February 2025 Shion Sonidori (hist | edit) [1,304 bytes] Mikhi (talk | contribs) (Create (still not done yet))
- 21:10, 7 February 2025 Chapter 9 (hist | edit) [379 bytes] Mikhi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox chapter | title = The Powers of the West (Part 2) | image = | volume = Volume 3 | chapter-number = 9 | pages = 52 | release-date = 25/02/2021 | title-jp = 西の競合中編 | title-romaji = Nishi no Kyougou Chyuuhen | previous = Chapter 8 | next = Chapter 10 | locations = }} = Synopsis = = Notable Quotes = = Characters =")
- 21:04, 7 February 2025 Chapter 8 (hist | edit) [386 bytes] Mikhi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox chapter | title = The Powers of the West | image = File:Chp8Cover.jpg | volume = Volume 3 | chapter-number = 8 | pages = 48 | release-date = 01/25/2021 | title-jp = 西の競合全編 | title-romaji = Nishi no Kyougou Zenpen | previous = Chapter 7 | next = Chapter 9 | locations = }} = Synopsis = = Notable Quotes = = Characters =")
- 20:51, 7 February 2025 Chapter 7 (hist | edit) [383 bytes] Mikhi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox chapter | title = Level 1 Badge Test | image = File:Chp7Cover.jpg | volume = Volume 2 | chapter-number = 7 | pages = 22 | release-date = 24/10/2020 | title-jp = 1級バッジテスト | title-romaji = Ikyuu Bajji Tesuto | previous = Chapter 6 | next = Chapter 8 | locations = }} = Synopsis = = Notable Quotes = = Characters =")
- 20:47, 7 February 2025 Chapter 6 (hist | edit) [412 bytes] Mikhi (talk | contribs) (Chapter 6)
- 20:44, 7 February 2025 Chapter 5 (hist | edit) [561 bytes] Mikhi (talk | contribs) (Chapter 5)
- 19:24, 7 February 2025 Mario Nachi (hist | edit) [1,491 bytes] Hikainofan (talk | contribs) (Created Nachi's page) Tag: Visual edit
- 19:06, 7 February 2025 Volume 4 (hist | edit) [458 bytes] Zhiktang (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox volume | title =Volume 2 | image =Vol2cover.jpg | volume-number =2 | pages =192 | release-date-jp = | release-date-en = | previous =Volume 1 | next =Volume 3 | chapters =<br> * Chapter 4 * Chapter 5 * Chapter 6 * Chapter 6.1 * Chapter 7 * Chapter 7.1 | cover-character =<br> * Hikaru Kamisaki * Jun Yodaka }}") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 19:01, 7 February 2025 Volume 3 (hist | edit) [439 bytes] Zhiktang (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox volume | title =Volume 2 | image =Vol2cover.jpg | volume-number =2 | pages =192 | release-date-jp = | release-date-en = | previous =Volume 1 | next =Volume 3 | chapters =<br> * Chapter 4 * Chapter 5 * Chapter 6 * Chapter 6.1 * Chapter 7 * Chapter 7.1 | cover-character =<br> * Hikaru Kamisaki * Jun Yodaka }}")
- 18:53, 7 February 2025 Chapter 4 (hist | edit) [939 bytes] Mikhi (talk | contribs) (Add Chapter 4)
- 18:50, 7 February 2025 Volume 2 (hist | edit) [530 bytes] Zhiktang (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox volume | title = | image = | volume-number = | pages = | release-date-jp = | release-date-en = | previous = | next = | chapters = | cover-character = }}") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 18:21, 7 February 2025 Ryoka Miketa (hist | edit) [1,689 bytes] Hikainofan (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox character | title = Ryouka Miketa | image = File:MIKETA.jpg | name-jp-full = 三家田 涼佳 | name-jp-trans = Miketa Ryouka | gender = Female | birthday = August 10 | age = <nowiki></nowiki> * 8 ''(Chapter 3)'' * 10 ''(Current)'' | height = 132 cm ''(Score 3)'' | bloodtype = B | occupation = Skater | skating-discipline = Women's Singles | clubs = Gravity Sakuradoori FSC | skating-class = Novice B | skating-level = 6 | skating-fav-jump = | skating-coache...")
- 18:01, 7 February 2025 Yoh Kago (hist | edit) [1,074 bytes] Hikainofan (talk | contribs) (Created Yoh's page) Tag: Visual edit
- 17:59, 7 February 2025 Chapter 3 (hist | edit) [571 bytes] Mikhi (talk | contribs) (Add Ch3)
- 17:51, 7 February 2025 Chapter 2 (hist | edit) [572 bytes] Mikhi (talk | contribs) (Add Chapter 2)
- 17:39, 7 February 2025 Koichi Kago (hist | edit) [1,131 bytes] Hikainofan (talk | contribs) (Created Kouichi's page) Tag: Visual edit
- 05:05, 7 February 2025 Volume 1 (hist | edit) [542 bytes] Zhiktang (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox volume | title = | image = | volume-number = | pages = | release-date-jp = | release-date-en = | previous = | next = | chapters = | cover-character = }}") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 04:54, 7 February 2025 Chapter 1 (hist | edit) [821 bytes] Zhiktang (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox chapter | title = | image = | volume = | chapter-number = | pages = | release-date = | magazine = | title-jp = | title-romaji = | previous = | next = | characters = | locations = }}") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 04:25, 7 February 2025 Mika Yuitsuka (hist | edit) [1,157 bytes] Zhiktang (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox character | title = | image = | name-jp-full = | name-jp-trans = | gender = | birthday = | age = | height = | bloodtype = | occupation = | skating-discipline = | clubs = | skating-class = | skating-level = | skating-fav-jump = | skating-coaches = | skating-students = | family = | home-town = | home-country = | debut-manga = | debut-anime = | voice-actors = | }}") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 03:58, 7 February 2025 Shinichiro Sonidori (hist | edit) [1,327 bytes] Hikainofan (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox character | title = Shinichiro Sonidori | image = File:SHINICHIRO.png | name-jp-full = 鴗鳥 慎一郎 | name-jp-trans = Sonidori Shin’ichirou | gender = Male | birthday = May 4 | age = <br> * 36 ''(Chapter 6)'' * 38 ''(Current)'' | height = 185.5 cm | bloodtype = B | occupation = Figure skating coach | skating-discipline = Men's Singles | clubs = Meikoh Wind FSC | skating-class = | skating-level = | skating-students = <br> * Rioh Sonidori * Yun...")
- 20:20, 6 February 2025 Medalist (anime) (hist | edit) [1,287 bytes] Mikhi (talk | contribs) (Create medalist anime page)
- 18:51, 6 February 2025 Rioh Sonidori (hist | edit) [1,732 bytes] Hikainofan (talk | contribs) (created Rioh's page) Tag: Visual edit
- 16:53, 6 February 2025 Jun Yodaka (hist | edit) [1,603 bytes] Mikhi (talk | contribs) (Create Jun Page) Tag: Visual edit
- 16:52, 6 February 2025 Hikaru Kamisaki (hist | edit) [2,248 bytes] Hikainofan (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<blockquote>''"My strength, too, will be reflected in my name. I'll become a wolf strong enough to stand against fate. Not a light that casts shadows on what's around it, but a light of hope. That is what I will become."''</blockquote>- Hikaru, at the end of Score 46. Hikaru Kamisaki (狼嵜光 ''Kamisaki Hikaru'')") Tag: Visual edit
- 16:38, 6 February 2025 Tsurumaikada (hist | edit) [347 bytes] Mikhi (talk | contribs) (Create Tsurumaikada page) Tag: Visual edit
- 16:02, 6 February 2025 Medalist (manga) (hist | edit) [1,628 bytes] FabricOfStars (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Medalist (メダリスト, ''Medarisuto'') is a seinen manga series written and illustrated by Tsurumaikada. It has been published in Kodansha's monthly seinen magazine ''Monthly Afternoon'' since May 2020.")
- 15:47, 6 February 2025 Tsukasa Akeuraji (hist | edit) [2,528 bytes] Hikainofan (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<blockquote>''Some things, I can only catch because I failed at it. Some talents, I can only spot because I couldn't hack it. This is '''exactly''' what I can do as a skater!''</blockquote>- Tsukasa, to himself, during his speech to Nozomi, Score 1.") Tag: Visual edit
- 15:28, 6 February 2025 Inori Yuitsuka (hist | edit) [2,747 bytes] Hikainofan (talk | contribs) (just edited so the page gets created) Tag: Visual edit
- 04:07, 6 February 2025 Main Page (hist | edit) [1,681 bytes] MediaWiki default (talk | contribs)