Chapter 20

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Volume Volume 6
Chapter 20
Japanese title 下克上
Romaji title Gekokujyou
Page count 59
Release date 2022/02/25
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Chapter 20, titled Ascendance (下克上, Gekokujyou), is the first chapter in Volume 6.


As Inori is finishing up her practice before her performance, Tsukasa is wondering how to encourage her. In the meantime Koichi, Yoh and Mamoru are discussing Inori's cards and chance's of winning, and how important Tsukasa's strategy is for this competition.

Just before the start of the skate, Tsukasa gives some important words of encouragement to Inori, and after seeing how determined she is to win, he's a little reassured.

She starts her performance. The song is "The flower fairy" from the film "The land of canon and barre". Mamoru is surprised by how far Inori's gotten. Inori nails her first and second jump, a Triple Loop and a Triple Salchow + Double Toe Loop. Mamoru is initially worried about Inori's point totals, but after seeing how beautifully Inori dances, he reminds himself that he has to watch her till the end.

In the meantime, while Inori lands a Double Lutz, coaches start noticing her talent. In the meantime, Mamoru notices Tsukasa and Inori have chosen to get better at GOE instead of practicing harder jumps, which was also pushed thanks to Tsukasa's ice dancing past. Rioh who's watching too, also remarks how much the training was focused on skating and not on jumps, and how he didn't like it.

As Inori continues to skate, Rintaro Chiwa, an assistant coach at Meijo Crown FSC reconginzes Inori, and regrets not accepting her back when she was going around with her mother. He's also surprised at how different Inori is now, as the girl is nailing her Level 3 step sequence. In the meantime Shinichiro wonders if they made the right choices for Yuna's program as Inori lands another triple toe loop, and people start wondering if she's gonna have a flawless run, allowing her to reach the top 5.

But that's not enough for Tsukasa. He wants to Gold Medal and he's stressed about it. He's praying that Inori hits the jump. Suddenly, people realize that Inori is going for a combination jump, and she does, nailing a Double Axel + Euler + Triple Salchow. The coaches are in shock, questioning why Tsukasa put a jump this risky at the end of the performance, making Inori risk everything.

We flashback to a little before the competition. Tsukasa is wondering how to get more points out of the performance. He's testing moves, and crunching numbers in excel, until he realizes Inori has a high success rate on Salchow, figuring out they may be able to do that jump.

Back to the present, after crunching the numbers, Tsukasa celebrates. It seems the plan was succesful. Inori smoothly nails her last trick, a Change of Foot comination spin, and then completes her performances, making it the first perfect run of the whole competition.

Notable Quotes

Hyperwhite Juna, with bacteria-busting enzymes for cleaning punch!
- Juna Shiratori

We don't know the risk of a quad jump because we've never tried it, right?
- Kohei Kamogawa

Once you start practicing quads back in Nagoya, you're gonna be thrown into the limelight. So don't be too worried if grown-ups start to act differently around you.
- Tsukasa Akeuraji

I mean if I don't let that attention beat me... I really think I can become the world's top medalist!
- Inori Yuitsuka's about the only chance she has for beating Hikaru.
- Jun Yodaka

Inori... I've been waiting for you.
- Hikaru Kamisaki


  • In the original version, Miku lists off the names of the boys in her club right to left. But in the official English translation, she lists them off left to right, corresponding to how the languages are read respectively.
